Are you missing out on tax relief few businesses know about
Quick summary:
When you buy certain new equipment (including computers), you can claim 130% capital allowance
What that means:
If you spend £1,000 on computer equipment, it'll reduce your corporation tax bill as if you had spent £1,300
How long does it last?
It will end on 31st March 2023
Have you heard all about Super Deduction?
As a business owner, you want to make smart financial decisions that not only improve your operations but also lower your tax bill. Good news! When you invest in new equipment, including computers, you're eligible for a generous tax relief known as 130% capital allowance.
Essentially, you can write off more than the cost of your purchase on your corporation tax bill. So if you spent £1,000 on computer equipment, with the 130% capital allowance, it would reduce your corporation tax bill as if you spent £1,300. This allows you to maximize your savings and invest in your business.
Your accountant should be fully aware of this relief and able to advise you on the best way to take advantage of this generous relief. (You can read the HMRC summary here).
If you are thinking about new computers soon, act now to save.
Hardware supplies continue to face challenges due to the ongoing pandemic, making it tricky to get hold of certain tech, so it's important to consider and plan for any upcoming hardware needs in the next few years.
By acting now, you'll not only be ahead of the game, but you can also take advantage of the super-deduction benefit. Let us help you plan ahead and put in advance orders for the new tech your business needs to thrive.
If you can imagine any need at all to buy new hardware within the next two years, then act now and benefit from super-deduction. Don't miss out on the opportunity to invest in your future success.
I have a team on standby to help
Unlike most IT support companies, we know all about super-deduction. We’ve been gearing up to this for some time.
Here’s how to talk to us.
Call us now on: 0800 112 6789 to tell us what you need
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