Your Phone: An Essential Component of Your Cyber Security Strategy
At Adkinsio, we understand the importance of keeping our phones secure. Our phones are more than just communication devices - they hold a wealth of personal and sensitive information, such as financial details, personal messages, banking apps, photos, and contact information. This is why it's crucial to ensure that our phones are as secure as any other device in our workplace.
Stay Alert: The Latest Clever Phishing Scam Targeting Businesses
As an IT support business, Adkinsio is always on the lookout for the latest threats to our clients' security. Recently, we've come across a particularly devious phishing scam that's targeting businesses. Cybercriminals are using a well-known brand name to trick people into opening an email that appears to be from a widely used e-signature platform. The attached image is loaded with empty svg files that are encoded in an HTML file attachment.
Stay Ahead of the Game: How IT Health Checks Can Benefit Your Business
As we start the new year, many of us make resolutions to take better care of ourselves and our health. We make doctor's appointments, start exercising more, and try to eat healthier. But have you ever thought about taking the same approach to your technology?
Are your younger employees feeling embarrassed about their tech skills?
Are your younger employees feeling embarrassed about their tech skills?
It's not uncommon for Gen Z and even some Millennial employees to have less technical know-how than employers might expect. This can lead to a feeling of "tech shame" among younger workers.
3 Quick Ways to Improve Your Cloud Security
When using cloud services, you may take advantage of their convenient, remote working options and awesome features. However, it is essential to ensure that your information is kept secure. Here are three steps you can take today to ensure the security of your data.
What to Look for When Choosing an IT Consultancy
Are you looking for an IT consultancy to help your business? With so many options on the market, it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. Before signing a contract, it is essential that you do your research.
5 Steps to secure backup
5 simple steps to securing your business data
It is vital that you take regular backups of your important data and that you test that the information can be restored. This will help reduce the impact of successful attacks including ransomware.